A REPORT on the charges made against the SNP’s former chief executive Peter Murrell will be sent to the Crown Office within weeks, the chief constable of Police Scotland has said.

Former first minister Nicola Sturgeon’s husband was charged last month in connection with embezzlement of SNP funds following a police investigation into the party’s finances.

Speaking to a number of media outlets, Police Scotland's Chief Constable Jo Farrell said Operation Branchform is “not finished” and still remains a live inquiry.

She refused to be drawn on whether any further charges will be brought in the long-running investigation but said a report will be sent to the Crown imminently in relation to the charges brought against Murrell.

Speaking to Sky News, Farrell was asked why the investigation is “taking so long” to which she replied: “It’s a live investigation, a complex investigation. And the matter is being progressed and we expect the report to go to the Crown Office in a matter of weeks.”

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She continued: “We’ve investigated allegations, that’s moving on. We have very skilled professional, objective individuals working on that case. It’s a live case.”

Sturgeon and former SNP treasurer Colin Beattie were also both arrested as part of the investigation although they were both released without charge.

Asked what her message was to people "crying conspiracy" by LBC, Farrell said: "So, policing is completely independent of politics. 

"I'm really clear of my policing independence and I've every confidence that the teams that are investigating those allegations will do so objectively. There's no conspiracy."