A FORMER Scottish Government minister who quit her post citing post-traumatic stress has opened up about her mental health plight.

Elena Whitham left her role as drugs and alcohol minister in February and has now revealed on Twitter/X that there were some days she struggled to move from her sofa or decide what to eat.

She added in a statement the trauma she had experienced had left her in a place “where I did not recognise myself” and her anxiety was “through the roof”.

But she has confirmed she is now having regular therapy and her health is on the up “slowly but surely”.

She said: “Mentally I am in a much better place than I was in February when I had retreated to the cocooned safety of my home and some days could not move from the sofa.

“A culmination of trauma had left me in a place where I did not recognise myself.

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“My wonderful husband was worried sick to see me struggling with everyday tasks and simple decisions about what to have for tea were beyond me. My anxiety was through the roof and I had a very heightened fight or flight response. It was exhausting.

“I have been having regular therapy and realised that my adult trauma sparked off a return to a state of childhood trauma.

“It has been invaluable to be able to process this and discuss what happened to me in a safe place with a safe person.”

Whitham added she was “deeply sad” to have had to leave her government role as it was something she was “deeply passionate” about.

“I needed to focus on getting better,” she added.

“Slowly but surely, I am getting there. I am not glued to my sofa anymore and recognise the power of moving.”

Whitham was first elected in 2021 and was initially appointed as minister for community safety in January 2022.

Christina McKelvie stepped in to replace Whitham in her role as minister for drugs and alcohol policy and is continuing in post following the recent reshuffle under First Minister John Swinney.