NICOLA Sturgeon will appear before a Westminster committee after her previous date was cancelled.

The former first minister will give evidence at the Scottish Affairs Committee on Monday, July 1, it has been announced.

She was due to give evidence to the Westminster-based Committee in April, but pulled out after her husband Peter Murrell was charged with embezzling funds from the SNP.

The committee said at the time there had been a change in witness availability.

Sturgeon will be the latest high-profile witness to give evidence to the committee for its inquiry into relations between Westminster and Holyrood

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon pulls out of Scottish Affairs Committee appearance

The inquiry, which has been timed to mark 25 years of devolution, has received evidence from other prominent politicians including Tony Blair, David Cameron, Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson.

Last week, the committee heard the views of two former first ministers, Henry McLeish and Jack McConnell, as well as former lord advocate Elish Angiolini.