A LUXURY hotel in the Highlands has reopened a popular country pub after 15 years and has tempted diners with the offer of ribeye steak “seconds”.

The Factor’s Inn was originally built as a home for the previous owners of Inverlochy Castle, a five-star hotel in Lochaber.

Speaking to The Herald, general manager David Robertson said the hotel acknowledged that not all its guests wanted fine-dining and that it wanted to re-introduce a more casual offering for the guests who travel into Fort William.

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The menu includes local ribeye steak and frites, Hebridean salmon and a vegetarian option of halloumi platter with seasonal vegetables.

The general manager said: “Factor’s Inn was the previous owner’s son’s house and it was fully refurbished back in 2002 and then it had closed down shortly after that.

“It did re-open eventually on two different occasion but just seasonally. We decided to re-open it fully for two reasons.

The National: The inn will offer a more casual dining experience

“With the dining offering we do at that castle, we understand and appreciate that it is quite restricted.

“There is a five-course tasting menu and some guests may not be willing to have that cost or may not want to have that much of a meal.

“We were losing out, we feel, on a lot of guests going into town, that annoyed us on two different levels.

“One because we were losing out on business so we had to get ourselves into the game. Yes there is that affiliation with Inverlochy Castle but it’s a pub meal.

“It’s not just for guests, non-residents are very welcome to see what we are doing and hopefully enjoy.”

He further added that the menu will work in a “kind of bottomless way” so that guests who do want to have more meat or fries will be able to request this.